For many artists, having the opportunity to create their artworks in a natural environment, able to add to its landscape as part of its future heritage, would be a dream come true.
That is precisely what Enclave Project offers on its Enclave Land Art Residency since 2016 for a selected group of like-minded artists.
That is precisely what Enclave Project offers on its Enclave Land Art Residency since 2016 for a selected group of like-minded artists.
Each edition selects seven artists who will work on their projects to suit the concept about the territory where they will be finally placed to create an artistic itinerary. Enclave's Team believes that: “Artists must be paid for their work like any other professional”. They receive a grant, materials, and accommodation. They are supported by other external collaborators that will help with additional information, access to the locations, and keeping all in the best ethical, sustainable, and harmonic way under the organiser's supervision.

The group of artists will explore many of Valencia's Region's unique landscapes in Spain. One of the main objectives is to include the local communities as much as possible in many different forms. Artists will work on their individual projects with the locals and their fellow artists' collaboration. This will ensure that each artist final project results, together with the cultivated relationships, that will continue to grow and develop for long after each venture's end, as happening since the start of this programme.
‘'We want to increase the resources to preserve its cultural heritage and natural landscapes in the areas”
Miguel Mallol
Miguel Mallol
I spoke with Miguel Mallol, the Enclave's director, also an Independent Curator and Co-Founder of the Venice Curatorial Course. He explains that ‘'we want to increase the resources to preserve its cultural heritage and natural landscapes in the areas”. Steadily searching for the best results and economic impact in the Regions.
The first edition was held in 2016 and took place at Vistabella Del Maestrazgo. This small village was reconquered from the Muslims by the Christians many centuries ago. Part of the 'Reconquista' campaigns that recaptured the Iberian Peninsula territories occupied by the Muslims in the early 8th century. Artists should create their work within the idea of a metaphoric repopulation through contemporary art. A revival of a very intimate environment that the community is very proud of, adding to this pride. Four artworks of this edition are now part of the landscape. As Miguel says: 'One of the goals is to bring Contemporary Art everywhere, even in spaces where people are not directly related yet'.
The first edition was held in 2016 and took place at Vistabella Del Maestrazgo. This small village was reconquered from the Muslims by the Christians many centuries ago. Part of the 'Reconquista' campaigns that recaptured the Iberian Peninsula territories occupied by the Muslims in the early 8th century. Artists should create their work within the idea of a metaphoric repopulation through contemporary art. A revival of a very intimate environment that the community is very proud of, adding to this pride. Four artworks of this edition are now part of the landscape. As Miguel says: 'One of the goals is to bring Contemporary Art everywhere, even in spaces where people are not directly related yet'.
Enclave Land Art 2016. from MIGUEL MALLOL on Vimeo.
Research is a big part of the process that artists must consider when presenting their ideas to the selection committee. It will be a fundamental part of their proposed outcome. Artists must frame their ideas within Enclave goals and visions at the same time, gathering a better understanding of their working areas. The Residency isn't only to achieve physical pieces blending with the landscape. Photography, audio-visual, writing, and other mediums are also very important, as they may be exhibited/shown to the public in many different ways, places and times.
“One of the goals is to bring Contemporary Art everywhere, even in spaces where people are not directly related yet”
Migel Malloll
Migel Malloll
In its second edition, in 2018, artists were taken to the beautiful landscape that surrounds the Penyagolosa's Natural Park. They stayed and worked in a more isolated area than the previous edition. A place that is also known by its many sacred and pagan symbols and by traditions and legends inherent to its inhabitants. The programme started in the summer solstice day and Saint John's festivities, helping the artists to have an inclusive experience about these traditions and some histories such as the 'gate of the hell' as Penyagolosa's peak is also known. For this edition, the group had generated several artworks, three of which are now a permanent part of the landscape and other visual and literature pieces.
Like in any artistic activity, funding is always part of the work carried out by organisers to ensure their projects' success. And as those in this industry knows, a job by itself. So far, Enclave had managed to fund its programs with the support of a few Public Institutions directly linked with the residency areas, alongside local Councils, Universities, Museums, and others supporting in kind from small local private businesses as well as partnerships with local schools, that are also considering future joint initiatives.
Due to the COVID Pandemic, the third edition had to be postponed until later in 2021, and it has now been confirmed for the period from the 22nd of November until de 5th of December. Submissions will be opening soon.
Notwithstanding, as mentioned above, a lot of work must be done prior to the residency period. Thus, the third edition will be held at the Vall de Gallinera, closer to Alicante. Amid its mountainous landscape, which provides the perfect protection for the many cherries, almonds, and olives threes that attracts tourists from all over the world to the valley.
Although the project has started and, so far, accomplished in the beautiful Spain landscapes, its mission and values had opened several discussions and possibilities. Institutions and artists are debating about replicating these ideas in the future for other Regions and Countries.
Miguel also told us that after this year edition, the Art Residency project will run early and that they are soon starting other initiatives in areas such as cinema, education and curatorial. Watch this space.
Due to the COVID Pandemic, the third edition had to be postponed until later in 2021, and it has now been confirmed for the period from the 22nd of November until de 5th of December. Submissions will be opening soon.
Notwithstanding, as mentioned above, a lot of work must be done prior to the residency period. Thus, the third edition will be held at the Vall de Gallinera, closer to Alicante. Amid its mountainous landscape, which provides the perfect protection for the many cherries, almonds, and olives threes that attracts tourists from all over the world to the valley.
Although the project has started and, so far, accomplished in the beautiful Spain landscapes, its mission and values had opened several discussions and possibilities. Institutions and artists are debating about replicating these ideas in the future for other Regions and Countries.
Miguel also told us that after this year edition, the Art Residency project will run early and that they are soon starting other initiatives in areas such as cinema, education and curatorial. Watch this space.