Gary Scott
Gary was born in Devon in 1964 and now works between London and Cornwall.
His work has been widely exhibited including at ING Discerning Eye, the Cork Street Open, KPMG’s Canary Wharf headquarters and at Waterperry House, Oxford.
Scott has undertaken a number of commissions including the memorial sculpture ‘Free Spirit’ now situated in the heart of St Ives in Cornwall and publically visible.
Scott is currently undertaking an MA in Art and Science at Central Saint Martins in London where he continues to explore emotionality and 'what it is to be human', adding layers from a psychoanalytical and cognitive neuropsychological perspective.
Awards and residencies - Thompsons Gallery London: Final five in Instagram Competition 2017; Curious Duke Gallery, London: ‘Secret Art Prize’ Winners Show 2015; Art Academy, London: Mixed Media Sculpture Prize 2013; Threadneedle Prize, London shortlisted 2013.
He was awarded two artists residencies at Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall (2012 & 2013).
His work has been widely exhibited including at ING Discerning Eye, the Cork Street Open, KPMG’s Canary Wharf headquarters and at Waterperry House, Oxford.
Scott has undertaken a number of commissions including the memorial sculpture ‘Free Spirit’ now situated in the heart of St Ives in Cornwall and publically visible.
Scott is currently undertaking an MA in Art and Science at Central Saint Martins in London where he continues to explore emotionality and 'what it is to be human', adding layers from a psychoanalytical and cognitive neuropsychological perspective.
Awards and residencies - Thompsons Gallery London: Final five in Instagram Competition 2017; Curious Duke Gallery, London: ‘Secret Art Prize’ Winners Show 2015; Art Academy, London: Mixed Media Sculpture Prize 2013; Threadneedle Prize, London shortlisted 2013.
He was awarded two artists residencies at Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall (2012 & 2013).