Alevtina Caravona
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My name is Alevtina Caravona. I spent my childhood in Ukraine and my teenage years in Moscow. My professional background is as an artist, fashion stylist and model.
I graduated from Institute Marangoni with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Styling, with a focus on graphic design and Art History. Later, I continued my art studies at Heatherley School of Fine Arts, with a focus on oil painting portraits. In my oil paintings, I use real life experiences, live models, music, and personal interests to reflect the spiritual and environmental energies that surround us all; I feel that portrait could be a reflection of the soul.
In my paintings, I use the same old master techniques used in oil. My favorite artists are Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Vermeer and Bouguereau.
Each of my creations starts with real life sketches but finishes with the usage of a full spectrum of pastel, neon and bold colours in oils. Sometimes I think that the paintings have a life of their own.
Art feels like an infinite field of possibilities which I would like to project for others.
I graduated from Institute Marangoni with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Styling, with a focus on graphic design and Art History. Later, I continued my art studies at Heatherley School of Fine Arts, with a focus on oil painting portraits. In my oil paintings, I use real life experiences, live models, music, and personal interests to reflect the spiritual and environmental energies that surround us all; I feel that portrait could be a reflection of the soul.
In my paintings, I use the same old master techniques used in oil. My favorite artists are Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Vermeer and Bouguereau.
Each of my creations starts with real life sketches but finishes with the usage of a full spectrum of pastel, neon and bold colours in oils. Sometimes I think that the paintings have a life of their own.
Art feels like an infinite field of possibilities which I would like to project for others.